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One of two welcome parties....

The Fetish Frenzy



The Fetish Fenzy is a eclectic mix of the Fetish and Play world where wild outfits, dressing up and looking sexy flow free. The Fetish Frenzy dress code encourages pushing the boundaries and variety. Think of a dress party which is themed "Adult Kink and Wild peppered with Sexy. These parties are about the fantasy and a hidden second YOU. We encourage individuality with prizes for the most orginal and wildest outfits. So from body paint, to rubber, nothing to a little sexy something.. anything goes at these parties as long as it would shock people if you walked down the street in it ;) If it doesn't turn heads in the street - you wont get in. Simples! We want wild, we want wacky, we want the people who's parents said "You are not going out in that are you???!!"  We recommend bringing a bag if you want to get changed at the venue.


The Fetish Frenzy is one of two of our welcome events. The two welcome events are very different. 


The Fetish Frenzy caters for a huge range of open-minded couples and singles from young hot proffesionals to the alternative arty geek. From the burlesque cabaret fan to the huge BDSM fan. Meaning the spectrum of tastes, acceptance, sexual orientation and gender is mixed together. We are proud to offer a santury of self-expression.


This event is fueled by the energy of the people who go. This party is not all about the sex but about stepping into the wild and out of the norm.. which makes it such a good welcome party!

© 2014 Heaven Circle LTD

Refund Policy. Tickets are not refundable but are transferable to future parties in exceptional circumstances. 

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