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Below is the story of how Heaven Circle began and became the most elite and selective naughty party in the World.  It also tell the story behind the most antibacterial and premium lube in the world and how the first ever Adult dating site where you can earn money whilst flirting and meeting others came about. So sit back and relax and dive into the world of Heaven Cirlce

Launch of Heaven SX : 2013

Over a period of two years and as word of their parties, so did the level of clientele. As word spread more and more people wanted to attend their secret play  parties. With more and more media interest Eva and Chris decided to give their parties a name. They came up with Heaven SX. They did their first national interview with LOOK Magazine before their launch party at Pacha. After a double page spread in LOOK magazine other national magazines and news papers followed. Applications went through the roof and the parties began to grow. 


When Eva and Chris first started commercialising their party they learned a lot. By 2014 they had cracked it and a smooth operation was in place ready to take the world by storm. Under Heaven SX Eva and Chris held parties across the United Kingdom, Paris and Ibiza. 

Buyout of the Secret Society Circle "SSC" 

Below is the story of how Heaven Circle began and became the most elite and selective play party in the World.  


 After attending many play parties, the founders of Heaven Circle, together in July 2011 began organising their own.


These parties were very exclusive and held just for people they selected. These parties grew and grew.

Eva & Chris Meet


Eva modeled internationally and when shooting in Miami she was invited to "The Secret Society Circle" She learned of the elite underground club which held parties across the USA in New York, Miami, Las Vegas and L.A. 


The party started back in 2009 and for the past five years was kept extremely confidential. It was run by a couple in their twenties who searched naughty online social networks to find the hottest couples and single girls across the USA. Over a period of five years they had a database of over 30,000 people and held parties of no more than 20 couples and 5 single girls. 


Eva returned to London to discuss buying out this club when the couple spoke of how they wanted to do other things. Chris acted fast and bought out this exclusive USA based club.

Rebrand to Heaven Circle

Chris decided to rebrand Heaven SX to accommodate their new cross Atlantic counter parts. He called in Heaven Circle and bought the domain Heaven Circle dot com. 


Eva and Chris then sat down with a branding consultant and brought in parties for a wider audience. They created parties for all including a more exclusive party than the original Heaven SX and SSC parties by choosing the best of both to attend Heaven Circle. 


A three tier system was introduced. Heaven Level for the best of the best, Earth level for the selected and underground level for all and those with fetishes. 


It was decided that parties at Heaven Level would be free with subsidised accommodation in stunning resorts for the hottest couples and singles from across the globe. 


SINCE 2009

Introduction of the Sextivities

The four new brands were launched. Eva is bi and Chris is straight however they realised that the market is very wide and they should hold elite parties for all tastes. 


New Girlfriend

Chris met his girlfriend at a Heaven SX party in 2014 and since then they organised events in London, Paris, New York and Ibiza. 


Eva and Chris are still great friends and Chris' new girlfriend helps organise Heaven Circle events... especially Heaven XS parties.


Applications sky rocketed in 2014 and it was soon becoming difficult to keep up with emails. So Chris decided to create

In 2014 after a break while Chris decided how the direction of Heaven Circle was to unfold. He decided to introduce a network with a facebook feel navigation. This network is used to connect couples and singles for free, where they can tag photos and connect with people after they met them at parties. The news feed gives "good viewing" when bored during the day too ;)


The software also helped make the selectin process much better too. Now we have two welcome parties (Masquerade Ball and Fetish Frenzy), then three 35 south parties (SX, XS, XX) where you must be under 35 and your application approved, then Heaven Soiree for the best of the best held twice a year.


We also hold holidays which are open to all twice a year.

Heaven Sinema

We do not allow any photography at any of our parties.  However after many couples and singles stating it was a shame they could not relive their naughty memoires over and over again we thought we would try to make that dream a reality ;) As a result we launched Heaven Sinema, a brand where we professionally film and edit the party whilst you play in masks (for those who do not want to be recognised or no masks (your choice) then we edit it and send you a free copy so you can relive the party.. over and over again ;) xxx

© 2014 Heaven Circle LTD

Refund Policy. Tickets are not refundable but are transferable to future parties in exceptional circumstances. 

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