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Heaven Soiree

Is our top party. To attend this party you must be selected through attending any of our other brands of parties. When we first started we started by hosting private parties for our naughty friends in stunning locations. As word spread of our

parties we began Heaven SX. The issue was that we had so many people wishing to attend we had to try to think of ways to accomodate everyone. So, we create new brands. Yet we kept one strictly invite only and private just like when we started out. This is brand is called Heaven Soiree. The best of the best from around the world are select to become members of this very special group. Those who are lucky enough to attend will see their wildest dreams come true with the hottest couples and singles imaginable. ABOSUTELY NO PHOTOGRAHY is allowed. These parties are strictly confidential and held in stunning locations. Dates for these parties are never released to the pubic and never advertised. It is an underground party only for the hottest couples and singles, from all of our parties from around the world.


Attendees to Heaven Soiree are given Heaven Soiree branded lingerie which is hand made by some of the most gifted designers in the world, with years of experience working for the most desired brands. The party attendees are selected on a year by year basis and just because you attended one year it doesnt mean you will be invited the next. If you are looking for elite parties which are truly are mind blowing, underground, non commercial and strictly invite only. This is the party.


Heaven Soiree. The most exclusive sex party in the world. Fact.

© 2014 Heaven Circle LTD

Refund Policy. Tickets are not refundable but are transferable to future parties in exceptional circumstances. 

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